As retirees embrace a new phase in their lives, the concept of property downsizing is gaining momentum as a strategic and rewarding financial move.

Downsizing isn’t just about reducing square footage; it’s a lifestyle choice that can offer a range of benefits for those entering their golden years.

The Changing Landscape of Retirement Living

Many retirees find themselves sitting on a valuable asset—the family home. The Australian property market has witnessed significant growth over the years, and this presents a unique opportunity for retirees. Downsizing involves selling a larger property, often the family home, and purchasing a smaller, more manageable one. This shift not only streamlines day-to-day living but also releases equity tied up in the existing property.

Financial Freedom and Flexibility

One of the primary advantages of downsizing for retirees is the financial windfall it can generate. Selling a larger property in a desirable location can lead to a substantial cash injection. This liquidity can be used to fund retirement activities, travel plans, or simply serve as a safety net for unexpected expenses. Downsizing gives retirees the financial freedom to enjoy their retirement years without the burden of maintaining a larger property.

Enhanced Lifestyle and Convenience

Downsizing often means trading a sprawling home for a more compact, easily maintainable residence. This can result in reduced household chores, lower utility bills, and a generally more manageable living environment. Additionally, many retirees choose to downsize to a location that offers greater convenience, such as proximity to amenities, healthcare facilities, and public transportation, enabling a more active and engaged lifestyle.

Navigating the Downsizing Process

While the benefits of downsizing are clear, the process requires careful consideration and planning. It’s essential for retirees to assess their current and future needs, identify the ideal location, and understand the financial implications of the move. Seeking advice from financial planners and real estate professionals can help retirees make informed decisions that align with their retirement goals.

Government Incentives

Recognizing the positive impact downsizing can have on retirees and the property market, the Australian government has introduced incentives to encourage this trend. The Downsizer Contribution allows eligible individuals to contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of selling their home into their superannuation fund, providing an additional financial boost for retirement.

Property downsizing for retirees is not just a practical choice; it’s a transformative step towards a more fulfilling retirement. By unlocking the equity in their homes, retirees can enjoy financial freedom, a more convenient lifestyle, and potentially even take advantage of government incentives.

As the trend continues to grow, downsizing is proving to be a key strategy for retirees looking to make the most of their golden years.

Did you know that you can set up a superannuation fund for your child even before they turn 18?

While it might seem unusual to think about retirement savings for someone so young, starting early can lead to a substantial nest egg by the time they reach their preservation age, currently set at 58 years. Whether through voluntary contributions or employer super guarantee payments, every dollar invested can potentially grow into a significant amount over time.

Imagine the impact of kickstarting your child’s superannuation fund at a much earlier age.

What if a small amount invested during childhood could have a few extra years to grow? It’s an intriguing proposition that could provide financial security for your children or grandchildren in the long run.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that starting a super fund for your child isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Not everyone may have the funds readily available, and alternative investment opportunities, such as bequeathments, could be considered. It’s crucial to evaluate your financial situation and explore the best options for securing your child’s financial future.

The real magic lies in the power of compound interest. Just as adults benefit from the compounding growth of their superannuation, the same principle applies to children.

The money invested in a superannuation fund for a child continues to grow, untouched, until they reach their preservation age. Unlike a regular bank account, they are less likely to access these funds prematurely.

Consider this example: a superannuation fund with a modest initial investment of $5,000, accumulating at a conservative rate of 7% per annum over 55 years. The compound interest could turn this small amount into a substantial fund, easily exceeding $200,000. Now, excluding what that child will likely earn through the superannuation guarantee and their own contributions, that is still a healthy sum.

This example showcases the exponential growth potential that comes with investing in a superannuation fund for your child.

Investing in a superannuation fund for your child is a strategic way to secure their financial future.

By starting early, you can harness the power of compound interest and potentially provide them with a significant financial cushion as they approach retirement age.

So, why wait? Consult with your accountant today to explore the possibilities and set your child on the path to financial success.

Gender disparities are not confined to salary rates alone; they extend their reach into superannuation accounts, shaping retirement outcomes for Australian women. Various factors, including barriers to specific fields, lower hourly wages, fewer work hours, and additional unpaid labour, contribute to a significant gender gap in superannuation balances. As a result, women often retire with substantially less in their super accounts than their male counterparts.

The current landscape paints a stark picture. The median superannuation balance (as of 2022’s statistics) for men aged 60-64 hovers around $204,107, while their female counterparts in the same age group have a median total of $146,900. This glaring difference constitutes a 28% gender superannuation gap.

The impact of gender inequality on superannuation is particularly evident when women utilise maternity leave. Taking time off work during paid parental leave translates to missed super contributions, further exacerbating pre-existing income and superannuation gaps. This extended absence from the workforce during critical earning years can have lasting effects on women’s financial well-being in retirement.

The superannuation gap is also intertwined with existing salary gaps across various sectors. Despite more women entering traditionally male-dominated fields, they often find themselves in lower-ranking positions, irrespective of their experience and qualifications.

Addressing the superannuation gender gap requires systemic changes at a macro level. Several proposed measures include:

  • Inclusion of Superannuation Guarantee Contributions in Paid Parental Leave

Recognising that a majority of paid parental leave recipients are women, integrating superannuation guarantee contributions into the Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave scheme could mitigate the widening gap.

  • Unlimited Concessional Contributions for Paid Parental Leave Recipients

Allowing unused concessional contributions for recipients of Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave without time limits could counteract the negative impact on women’s superannuation outcomes.

  • Amending the Sex Discrimination Act

A critical step involves amending the Sex Discrimination Act to enable employers to make higher superannuation payments for their female employees without violating existing legislation.

Despite systemic challenges, women can take proactive steps to boost their super balances:

Contribution Splitting

Opting for contribution splitting enables spouses to transfer some superannuation contributions to their partner’s account, helping to balance and bolster their super balances.

Salary Sacrifice Contributions

Women can consider salary-sacrificing contributions into their super accounts to compensate for shortfalls resulting from periods of non-working, ensuring a more robust financial foundation for retirement.

In conclusion, the superannuation gender gap demands attention and concerted efforts for meaningful change. From policy adjustments to individual financial strategies, a collective commitment is essential to bridging this gap and ensuring a more equitable retirement future for all Australians.

Superannuation, often called ‘super,’ is a vital part of Australia’s financial landscape. It’s a retirement savings system intended to provide financial security in your golden years. However, despite its widespread use and importance, there are several common misconceptions about superannuation that many Australians hold. Let’s shed light on some of these misconceptions and clarify how super works.

Misconception 1: “I don’t need to worry about my super; the government will take care of me.”

One of the most widespread myths is that the government will cover your retirement expenses entirely. While the Age Pension does provide financial support to eligible retirees, it’s typically not enough to maintain the lifestyle you desire in retirement. Relying solely on the Age Pension can lead to financial stress.

Superannuation is designed to complement the Age Pension and ensure you have enough savings to enjoy a comfortable retirement. So, it’s essential to take an active role in managing your super and contributing to it regularly.

Misconception 2: “I don’t need to think about super until I’m older.”

Many Australians believe that super is something they can deal with when they’re closer to retirement age. However, this misconception can cost you dearly. The earlier you start contributing to your super, the more time your money has to grow through compound interest. Even small contributions in your younger years can have a significant impact on your retirement savings.

Misconception 3: “Super is all the same; it doesn’t matter where I invest it.”

Another common misunderstanding is that all super funds are equal. In reality, different super funds offer various investment options, fees, and performance outcomes. It’s crucial to choose a super fund that aligns with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences. A well-considered choice can significantly affect the final amount you have in your super when you retire.

Misconception 4: “I can access my super whenever I want.”

Superannuation is a long-term investment designed to support you in retirement. However, some Australians believe they can access their super whenever they please. In most cases, you can only access your super once you reach your preservation age (which is currently between 55 and 60, depending on your birthdate) or meet specific conditions such as severe financial hardship or terminal illness.

Misconception 5: “I don’t need to check my super statements; it’s all on autopilot.”

Setting up your super contributions and investments and then forgetting about them is a risky approach. Superannuation is not a ‘set and forget’ asset; it requires regular monitoring. By reviewing your super statements, you can ensure your fund is performing well, fees are reasonable, and your investment strategy remains aligned with your financial objectives.

Understanding superannuation is essential for all Australians. Dispelling these misconceptions and actively managing your super can lead to a more comfortable and secure retirement.

Take the time to educate yourself about your super options, seek professional advice if needed, and start contributing early to harness the full potential of your superannuation for a brighter retirement future.

Superannuation guarantees are a vital part of Australia’s retirement savings system, and chances are you’ve encountered this term when discussing your workplace benefits. But what exactly are superannuation guarantees, and how do they affect your financial future? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

What Is A Superannuation Guarantee?

A superannuation guarantee (SG) is a mandatory contribution made by your employer to your superannuation fund. It’s a way of ensuring that you’re steadily building your retirement savings throughout your working life. The current SG rate in Australia is 11%, meaning that your employer is required to contribute 11% of your ordinary earnings into your super fund.

How Does It Work?

The superannuation guarantee is calculated based on your ‘ordinary time earnings,’ which generally includes your regular salary or wages. It doesn’t cover bonuses, overtime, or other irregular payments. Your employer is responsible for making these contributions on your behalf, usually into a fund of your choice, unless you don’t specify a preference, in which case they’ll pay it into their default fund.

Why Is The Superannuation Guarantee Important?

  • Retirement Savings: Superannuation guarantee is a crucial part of your retirement savings strategy. Over time, these contributions can grow significantly through the power of compound interest, helping you achieve financial security in your retirement.
  • Tax Benefits: Super contributions made by your employer are generally taxed at a lower rate than your regular income, making it a tax-effective way to save for your retirement. You’re essentially keeping more of your money for your future.
  • Less Reliance on the Age Pension: Relying solely on the government Age Pension in your retirement may not provide the lifestyle you desire. Superannuation guarantees help you build additional savings to supplement the Age Pension.

Keep an Eye on Your Super

While your employer makes SG contributions, it’s essential to keep an eye on your super fund’s performance, fees, and investment options. You have the right to choose a super fund that aligns with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and preferences. Review your super statements regularly and consider seeking professional advice if you’re unsure about your superannuation strategy.

The superannuation guarantee is a fundamental part of your retirement savings in Australia. They help you steadily build your nest egg for the future and enjoy tax benefits along the way. Take an active interest in your super, choose a fund that suits your needs, and consider your long-term financial goals for a secure retirement.

As retirement approaches, many Australians are eager to make the most of their hard-earned assets and superannuation funds to secure a comfortable future. It’s a wise move, given the importance of proper retirement planning. However, it’s crucial to be cautious because there are unscrupulous individuals and schemes out there that target retirees and prospective retirees with the promise of tax-free income through self-managed super funds (SMSFs).

These retirement planning schemes may appear to be a quick and easy way to boost your retirement income, but they often involve illegal tactics that can jeopardize your entire retirement savings. The risks are real, and anyone, regardless of their financial situation, can fall victim to these schemes. This is especially true for those aged 50 and over, including:

  • SMSF Trustees
  • Self-funded retirees
  • Small business owners
  • Professional service providers
  • Individuals involved in property investment

To safeguard your financial future, it’s essential to recognize the common features of retirement planning schemes. These schemes often:

  • Are artificially complex and encourage the use of SMSFs as part of the scheme.
  • Involve excessive paperwork and complicated transactions.
  • Promise minimal or zero tax liability or even a tax refund.
  • Claim to provide immediate tax benefits through the arrangement.
  • Sound too good to be true – because they usually are.

Currently, several schemes specifically target individuals with self-managed super funds due to the high level of control and autonomy they have over their retirement savings. Here are some examples of retirement planning schemes:

  • Arrangements involving SMSFs and related-party property development ventures.
  • Refunding excess non-concessional contributions to reduce taxable components.
  • Granting legal life interest over a commercial property to SMSFs.
  • Dividend stripping.
  • Non-arm’s length limited recourse borrowing arrangements.
  • Personal services income.
  • Liquidating an SMSF.

To protect yourself from falling prey to a retirement planning scheme, it’s crucial to seek professional advice from a specialized accountant with expertise in superannuation and SMSFs. Additionally, consider the following steps:

  • Consult with a reputable source: Reach out to financial planners, advisers, or accountants with proven professional qualifications and certifications.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on current tax and super laws to understand your rights and responsibilities.
  • Avoid quick fixes: Be cautious of any scheme or arrangement that promises unrealistic tax benefits or returns.

Retirement is a time for enjoying the fruits of your labour, not for jeopardising your financial security. By staying vigilant and seeking expert guidance, you can ensure that your retirement planning is on the right path without falling for risky schemes that may put your hard-earned savings in jeopardy.

Not quite ready to take the plunge into full retirement, but ready to make a start?

Transitioning into the retirement phase of your life means undergoing the process of slowly relying less on work-related earnings and more on superannuation and investments to cover your lifestyle expenses.

The time taken to transition into retirement is up to you;  it may take as little as 6 months or as long as 5 years.

However, income may be a source of concern during this transition period – this is why transition to retirement pensions can be of assistance.

A transition to retirement (TTR) pension allows you to supplement your income by allowing you to access some of your super once you’ve reached your preservation age.

This type of pension is similar to an account-based pension, but has a few extra rules.

Not only must you first have reached your superannuation preservation age, for TTR pensions in the pre-retirement phase, the minimum pension payment is 4% up to a maximum 10% of your account balance as at 1 July of each financial year or the value from the date your TTR pension started in that financial year. The minimum payment percentage is pro-rated in the first financial year.

If you start a TTR pension part way through a year, the 4% is pro-rata based on the remaining days in the financial year, divided by the total days in the year. The 10% upper threshold remains calculated based on a full year (i.e. no pro-rata necessary).

How Can A TTR Pension Benefit You?  

  • You cut back your working hours without reducing your income.
  • The taxable component of TTR pension payments attracts a 15% tax offset between the preservation age and 59, and all payments are tax-free at age 60 or over.
  • Investment earnings are generally taxed at a maximum rate of 15%.

You can start a transition to retirement pension by contacting your superannuation fund and asking if they offer transition to retirement pensions. If they do and you are comfortable using their product, you can then follow the process to commence the pension. Alternatively, you may choose to start a transition to retirement pension with a different superannuation fund.

However, bear in mind:

  • You’ll need to keep a super account open to accept employer contributions (or any other contributions), as these can’t be contributed directly to a pension account.
  • TTR pensions don’t hold any insurance cover. This means you may want to keep any personal insurance you have connected to your super account.

There are a number of things you should consider before starting a TTR pension; professional financial advice is recommended. Why not start a conversation with a trusted, licensed adviser today?

Retirement might seem like a far-off prospect for some people, but working out how to maximise your nest egg can start at any time. The sooner you start, the better the potential.

Here are just some of the ways in which you can maximise your or your partner’s superannuation potential.

Split Your Concessional Contributions With Your Spouse

You can split up to 85% of your concessional contributions from a prior year with your spouse as long as they’re under their preservation age or under 65. This may be a strategy where your spouse has a low super balance (must be less than $500,000 before the start of the financial year) or is closer to retirement.

Contribution splitting can only be done after the end of a financial year.

Make A Spouse Super Contribution

You may be entitled to an income tax offset of up to $540 for superannuation contributions for the benefit of a lower income (under $40,000) or non-working spouse who is under age 75.

Make A Super Contribution To Save For Your First Home

Under the First Home Super Saver Scheme, voluntary contributions to your super fund may be withdrawn to help buy or build your first home. Under the scheme, you can withdraw up to $15,000 of eligible contributions made over a financial year or up to $50,000 in total for all years, plus an amount that represents deemed earnings. Non-concessional contributions can be withdrawn tax-free. Concessional contributions and total earnings will be taxed at marginal tax rates with a tax offset of 30%.

Make A “Downsizer” Contribution

If you are over age 60 and have sold your home, you may be eligible to make a once-off contribution of up to $300,000 (or $600,000 per couple).

For those eligible, there is no need to meet a contributions work test and the contribution is not subject to the prohibition on making additional non-concessional contributions where your total super balance is more than $1.7 million.

Check Your Salary Sacrifice Agreement

If you do not have an agreement in place, then consider establishing a salary-sacrificing agreement with your employer for the 2023-24 financial year. From 1 July 2023, your salary sacrifice agreement will need to take into account that the super guarantee rate has increased to 11%.

Carry Forward Contributions

Don’t forget to take advantage of the 5-year rule for carrying forward contributions! The 23-24 financial year is the last year that contributions using any leftover concessional contribution cap from 18-19 financial year can be used.

Opting out of the annual end-of-year holiday trip? The holiday season can be an expensive time of the year, but if you’re thinking about skipping the overseas holiday trip and found yourself with some unexpected extra savings.

By investing those savings into your superannuation fund through concessional contributions, you could put the money to good use (and compound it into even better savings!).

The general concessional contributions cap limit is currently $27,500. If you have unused concessional contributions from the previous year, you could add that total amount to the $27,500.

The unused concessional cap is available if the following criteria are met:

  • The total super balance at the end of 30 June of the previous financial year is less than $500,000; and
  • Concessional contributions are made in a financial year that exceed the general concessional contributions cap
    •  If concessional contributions of less than the general cap are made in a financial year, the contributions will count towards the current year contribution cap, and the carry forward unused cap will not be affected.

While a trip away may bring short-term enjoyment, investing in your superannuation through concessional contributions could produce long-term benefits. Plus, you can use your carry-forward contribution caps from previous years in addition to the limit (if eligible).

Speak with your provider about contributions today to get started.

One of the most common questions from those entering or nearing retirement is, ‘How much money can I have before it affects my pension?’

Our answer is usually derived from the total value of your savings, other assets and any income that might be earned from other sources. However, from 1 July 2023, the thresholds determining how much pension you may be paid have changed due to inflation-related adjustments.

This means that many of those who may otherwise have been looking at a part-pensioner status due to being over the threshold may be able to be on a full pension with the adjusted thresholds (depending on their circumstances).

Similarly, those who may have been ineligible for a pension due to being over the cut-off point for the assets test should become eligible to start claiming a part pension (and all the concessions that go with it).

What Assets Will I Be Tested On? 

The assets that you or your partner own that are included in your assets test include the following:

  • Real estate (excluding your family home)
  • The market value of your household contents (such as fridges, appliances, etc).
  • Superannuation balances if you and your partner have reached the Age Pension eligibility age, including the balance of your pension accounts that provide you with an income stream. If your partner is below the Age Pension eligibility age, their super balances will not be included in your assets test
  • Other financial investments, like term deposits or any surrender value of life insurance policies
  • Retirement village contributions
  • Business assets
  • Motor vehicles
  • Boats
  • Caravans
  • Jewellery
  • Cryptocurrencies

The Age Pension assets limits are adjusted three times a year based on movements in the consumer price index (CPI). The thresholds for the full Age Pension change in July, while thresholds for the part-Age Pension change in March and September.

Assets Limit For A Full Age Pension

To be eligible for either a full or part-Age pension, there are limits on the value of the assets you (and your partner combined) can own.

The limits depend on whether you own your own home, as well as your living arrangements (including if you have a partner and whether they are age-eligible for the pension or not). The asset limits are higher for non-homeowners in recognition of the higher cost of housing for pensioners who rent their homes.

You also need to pass the income test and age and residency requirements.

The asset-free thresholds for full-age pension are the same for couples living together and those separated by illness.

If the value of the assets is above the thresholds, you may still qualify for a part-Age Pension.

The Income Test

The new thresholds also increase the amount pensioners can earn before their pension starts to reduce under the income test. For a couple, the income test cut-off point rises from $336 a fortnight to $360 a fortnight – for singles, it increases from $190 a fortnight to $204 a fortnight.

If you reach the threshold limits in the assets and income tests, your pension will be based on the lower amount.

For example, if you are eligible for $400 per fortnight according to the assets test and $500 per fortnight under the income test, then the $400 per fortnight test will apply.

Questions About The Pension

If you have questions about your retirement plan or pension eligibility, why not start a chat with a trusted advisor (like us) today?