Need Access To Your Super? Here Are The Circumstances That You May Be Able To Get It

Certain conditions and criteria may enable someone to access their superannuation.

Let’s examine the circumstances that a superannuation fund can be accessed:

Preservation Age and Retirement

The preservation age is the earliest point at which you can access your superannuation. As of 2023, this age ranges from 60 to 65, depending on your birthdate. Upon reaching this age and retiring, you can access your superannuation either as a lump sum or as regular income through an account-based pension.

For those who reach their preservation age but continue working, a Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy allows partial access to their super. This involves starting a TTR pension while still employed, providing a supplementary income stream. However, there are limits on the amount you can withdraw under a TTR strategy.

Terminal Medical Condition

If diagnosed with a terminal medical condition, you may be allowed to access your superannuation early. This provision aims to offer financial support during a challenging time, helping to ease the burden on you and your family.

Compassionate Grounds

Superannuation benefits may be released on compassionate grounds if a member needs funds to:

  • Pay for medical or dental treatment for themselves or a dependent, or for transport to the treatment.
  • Prevent their home from being sold by the lender holding the mortgage.
  • Modify their home or vehicle to accommodate severe disability needs for themselves or a dependent.
  • Pay for palliative care for themselves or a dependent with a terminal medical condition.
  • Cover expenses related to a dependent’s death, funeral, or burial.

To apply for early release on compassionate grounds, you must approach the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) rather than your super fund. The amount released is limited to what is reasonably needed and is taxed as a normal lump sum payment.

Severe Financial Hardship

If you are facing severe financial hardship and have been receiving government income support for an extended period, you may be eligible to access your super early. Strict criteria and limits apply, so it is essential to consult with your super fund or a financial advisor to explore this option.

Permanent Disability

Individuals suffering from a permanent disability may access their super funds early through a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance claim. This process involves demonstrating that you are unlikely to work again due to your disability.

Departing Australia Permanently

Australian citizens or permanent residents leaving the country permanently may be eligible to claim their superannuation. This option is subject to certain conditions and requires the completion of specific documentation.

First Home Super Saver Scheme

The Australian government’s First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme allows individuals to voluntarily contribute to their super fund to save for their first home. Eligible participants can withdraw these contributions, along with associated earnings, to put towards their home purchase.

Superannuation is a crucial financial tool designed to provide Australians with a comfortable retirement. While it’s generally a long-term investment, there are specific circumstances under which you are allowed to cash out your super funds.

Understanding these conditions is essential for making informed decisions about your financial future. If you have any questions or need guidance, consulting a licensed advisor can provide clarity and help you navigate your options.