Feel Like Your Job Has Stagnated? Here Are Two Reasons To Stay (And One To Leave).

Have you been feeling a sense of stagnation while performing your job? Are you struggling to stay motivated or lack a sense of professional purpose? You might need a professional seachange to your career- but it doesn’t have to be a monumental process.
It’s not uncommon to think about your career in terms of progressing from point a to b to c. Career progression is often a linear concept in many people’s minds, with hiring processes tending to not hire outside of our industry or across skill sets.
Making a choice to switch careers can be daunting and not without its challenges. For instance, to make a cross-industry chance, you may have to go back to the very beginning of your career, retrain and reprove yourself, and sacrifice your current level in your career to do so.
Consider these three reasons behind whether or not you should stay or leave your current career rather than drop everything and go.
- If you’re happy with the company’s culture, and get along well with your boss and co-workers but feel like you are not growing as you should, stay. You could do external self-education to further your skills or ask for more challenging work to broaden them.
- Unhappy with your company’s workplace culture, struggle with leadership and politics but are still learning from your work? Stay, as it’s an excellent opportunity to grow your stakeholder management skills further and learn how to influence and negotiate in challenging situations.
- Leave if you aren’t learning, are bored and do not like the culture of the company. This can be for the best, particularly if it impacts your mental and physical health.
Challenging yourself with difficult situations can further your career growth. Still, it’s essential to recognise and respect whether or not those situations will help stimulate your growth.